EZ Clone 128 Aeroponics Cloner
QUICK How To, Rooting Aquaponic Basil Cuttings Video
Using the EZ Clone 128 Aeroponics Cloner, no rooting hormones are required; this is a No Dirt Organic Plant Propagation for Rooting New Plants in Hydroponics, Organic and Aquaponics Gardening.
[quote]Its easy to quickly propagate up to 128 super plants quickly that will be identical to the parent plant[/quote]
With our EZ Clone 128 Aeroponics Cloner and a DIY Vertical Aquaponics System system full of healthy Genovese Basil plants actively growing in the greenhouse during spring months, we have the means to successfully create new plants with 7 to days on average–and we’re talking LOTS of white healthy spaghetti roots.
So Healthy, So Easy
Because the plant material is so healthy and vibrant to begin with, we simply add fresh water (filtered for garden use) and make sure the pH is between 5.5 to 6.8.
NOTE: For faster rooting and more precise plant development, add a small amount of Cal-Mag fertilizer supplement and maintain pH to 5.8, approx 0.2 EC (Electro Conductivity)
The EZ Clone 128 Aeroponics Cloner is a real work horse in the field of plant propagation. Its easy to quickly propagate up to 128 super plants quickly that will be identical to the parent plant is invaluable in many respects, including:
- No materials to replace; some growers just rinse the neoprene collars with a little bleach and water, rinse with fresh water and plant again*
- No growing media needed on hand anytime you want to create some new plants for future gardens
- Very low maintenance; conventional methods require lots f time from the grower
- Faster rooting; plants come out supercharged rather than recovering
- Larger cuttings with more leaves can be rooted succesfully; less time in veg growth later to same size
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Who is the EZ Clone 128 Aeroponics Cloner For?
Market Gardeners can root new transplants like clockwork; often within 7 days. Back yard favorites can be propagatred for sales at Farmers Markets, Plant Sales.
Schools or as a means for charitable organizations to stimulate some growth by selling plants to raise funds.
Home Food Growers can harvest more crops year round when a variety of plants can be propagated to replace others as they are harvested. Not having to wait for new transplants means no empty spots where food should be growing
Professional Growers and Crop Researchers benefit as others, and are afforded the ability top do comparative studies as the process is consistent and highly controlled; less wild cards to contend with when growing research crops from cloned material
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