pruning hydroponic plants
Getting Started Hydroponics

Pruning Hydroponic Plants

Pruning Hydroponic Plants Trimming and Training for Bigger Flowers & Fruits Pruning hydroponic plants is a virtually free and highly effective way to get more flowers and fruits from your crop, whether growing in hydroponics […]

fractal water grow trial
Grow Trials

Fractal Water

Fractal Water Vortex Imploder Greenhouse Hydro Garden Test Fractal water is said to provide a higher level of hydration and overall health in crops, animals and people.  We agreed to put the concept to the […]

hydroponic orp controls
Grow Tips

Hydroponic ORP Controls

Hydroponic ORP Controls Tuning Oxidizing Reduction Potential in Your Tank When substances have an oxidizing effect, they can be useful in growing crops in hydroponics, and may also be beneficial in aquaculture or aquaponics. Oxidation […]