organic hydroponics meets resistance
Hydroponic News

Organic Hydroponics Meets Resistance

“USDA Supports Expansion of Organic Hydroponically Grow Food, Threatening Real Organic” Organic Hydroponics Meets Resistance | Beyond Pesticides | GZ Editor’s note: clearly the following article is not supportive of organic hydroponics, however, it’s important […]

organic hydroponics

Organic Hydroponics

Organic Hydroponics Certifiable & Consistent Crops Using Modern Organic Fertilizers Organic hydroponics is a term or concept that surfaces from time to time, typically in the form of articles or grower spotlights.  Surprisingly, organic hydroponics […]

AmHydro Hydro Genesis Organic Fertilizer Review
Hydroponic Gear Reviews

AmHydro HydroGenesis Organic Fertilizer

AmHydro HydroGenesis Organic Fertilizer Review Hydro Genesis Fertilizer, Can an Organic Work in Hydroponics? Product:  AmHydro HydroGenesis Organic Fertilizer Intended Use: Growing greenhouse hydroponics food crops in recirculating water culture systems, for example NFT (nutrient […]