Removing Chlorine for Healthy Garden Soils

Removing Chlorine for Healthy Garden Soils


By Erik Biksa


Removing chlorine for healthy garden soils is literally the most important first step you can take in stimulating healthy soil ecology in your vegetable and flower garden, indoors or out.  Most water sources, unless of course you are on a well (consider RO here), have been treated with chlorine or chloramines to prevent the growth of bacteria and fungus in the water supply.  While there are other concerns in a lot of water supplies, for your garden the biggest thing here is the fact that these substances ARE INTENDED TO KILL BACTERIA & FUNGUS.


Bacteria and fungus in the soil are highly critical factors in naturally occuring soils that produce healthy crops.
 Synthetic fertilizers already reduce the populations of healthy bacteria and fungus you have in your garden soil, that perform a variety of beneficial tasks including:


  • converting organic matter into plant nutrients,
  • protecting the roots from diseases,
  •  increasing the root mass for better growth by secreting naturally occurring growth hormones,
  • acting as extension of the living root system itself (symbiosis)


Capturing rainwater may not be enough to satisfy healthy and lush gardens during warm months so you can prevent killing off the health of your soil in keeping your crops well hydrated and growing strong.  For less than fifty bucks, we decided to give the Gro Green Garden Hose Filter a try.  It uses activated carbon, n0 moving parts or electricity, to remove chlorine and reduce other harmful substances to the health of the garden like chloramines too.

gro green chlorine filter

This item is also perfect for any spaghetti-feed drip irrigation systems you may have, and is well suited to hand watering applications, filling water barrels, etc.  The flow output is about 2 GPM and it effectively treats over 8,000 US Gallons of water!


Grow Tip:

To boost the health of our soils and to improve plant growth, we stimulated healthy and balanced populations of soil bacteria and fungi by adding some BOB Tabs (that’s “Billions Of Bacteria”.  These species of fungi and bacteria have been carefully selected for their proven abilities in increasing crop health and growth by stimulating life in garden soils.  However, they like all other fungi and bacteria that help your plants, do not like chlorine at all-it kills them, as it was designed to do.

removing chlorine for gardens

So if you want to get the most out of the gardening products you already use and want to increase the health of your soil for years of happy and healthy gardening to come, we suggest you consider removing chlorine for healthy garden soils.

removing chlorine for garden waterings

About Erik Biksa 247 Articles
Erik Biksa has been writing about and discussing hydroponics growing, related technologies and cropping methods since 1999 in a variety of professional publications and platforms globally Erik has travelled the world learning and teaching modern growing techniques and technologies and is appreciated by many growers for his informative yet hands on approaches. Presently, he is the Editor at Grozine Hydroponics Mag.