Dynamic LED Grow Lights

dynamic led grow lights

Reducing Power Bills, Maximizing Plant Responses

Dynamic LED grow lights manage light spectrum and output intensity to optimize crop responses while helping to lower power bills. Most greenhouse and indoor growers are aware that many modern crop lights can ramp intensity up or down by the operator, for example less intensity for young seedlings and more intensity for fruiting and flowering plants. This is a simple approach and offers benefits for both the grower and their crop.

The next step up is to have some control over the spectral output of the lighting, for example more red in flowering and more blue for vegetative growth–definitely an improvement for growers accustomed to HPS or CMH lighting where spectral outputs are very limited.

Note that most horticultural LED crop lights for growers only offer very basic spectral options, typically White, Red & Blue. Some manufacturers add UV and Deep Red diodes; although with very limited, if any, control as to the ratios and intensities of the spectrum being delivered.

Dynamic LED grow light systems recognize that unique lighting “recipes” can be created and applied to crops for very specific and beneficial crop responses.  Managing a wider range of diode spectra and controlling the intensity and ratios in real time gives growers a potentially unparalleled tool in managing light nutrition for plants. 

As a practical example, increasing certain spectra while reducing others near harvest time can improve shelf life in crops while during the growth phases while other spectra can promote stronger resistance to pest or disease pressures and increase production. At the same time, ensuring that only the amount of light intensity that is optimal (in real time) is being delivered to help keep power bills lean.

Here’s another way of looking at the situation, as compared to delivering elemental nutrition to crops via fertilizer:  

Most LED grow lights are like simple N-P-K fertilizers (red, white & blue diodes); just delivering the bare essentials (if that) and are not easily managed for changing needs based on crop type, stage of growth or environmental conditions. The next step is the application of basic Trace Elements like Iron, Manganese, etc (deep red & UV). While these improve results, there is still much left to be desired by plants in order for them to achieve their full genetic potential.  

Additionally, with lighting versus fertilizers, the cost of application is very high when considering power bills, so it makes sense to apply light nutrition as efficiently as possible.

At Grozine, we will be trialing a leading edge approach to dynamic LED grow lights.

A truly innovative and dynamic LED crop lighting solution is the SollumTech platform. This is a three pronged approach to delivering lighting nutrition to crops that is comprised of:

  1. Spectrum Rich Fixtures
  2. Support Team
  3. SUNaaS software (Sun As a Service)

Spectrum Rich Fixtures

A range of diodes can be selected with the different models of fixtures available. We will be operating fixtures that go beyond the LED spectra that have been traditionally available to growers. 

The SollumTech fixtures (SF)  have a very wide array of possibilities in terms of creating and deploying light recipes to optimize each growth phase for any type of crop from a single fixture.  There is no need to alter light installations for different crops–the SUNaaS system coupled with the knowledge base of the support team allows for near infinite possibilities from the installation.

Note the level of flexibility in lighting nutrition from the chart below–these spectra can stimulate the widest range of plant responses when applied correctly.  Consider higher essential oil contents, firmer fruits or flowers, improved resistance to insect or disease pressures, extended shelf life after harvest; the list can go on when applied with the right combinations and at the right times. 

Support Team

It’s a challenge for growers to be an expert in all aspects of their cultivation operations, especially when attempting to stay at the leading edge of technology in order to maintain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Having a strong understanding of the technologies in play is important, however, for maximum benefits it’s ideal to utilize experts. 

An integral aspect of dynamic LED grow lights is the knowledge and experience to tailor the lighting for your crop and your situation at a particular point in real time. The agronomists that support Sollum Tech lighting systems can offer specialized lighting recipes while the technical support team can help establish and optimize zones and real time ramping up or down of lighting using the sensors and controls that are incorporated in the system.

SUNaaS System

A Sollum Edge Computer (SEC) plays a vital role in the dynamic LED grow light system.  It acts as a cloud connected local network that communicates with the lighting system (sensors, spectrum rich fixtures and connections) and provides control and information to the operator. 

Changes made to create lighting zones, lighting recipes, adjust light levels and spectra in real time based on natural conditions from sophisticated sensor readings and other features are not mechanical; they are computer network controlled in real time.  The system can communicate with individual fixtures to relay commands instantaneously, operating a multitude of fixtures individually or grouped as zones.

Possible Benefits of Dynamic LED Grow Lights

-improved crop qualities, ie “designer” harvest qualities

-significant reduction in power usage relative to crop output

-reduced environmental impact, ie utilizing natural lighting while maintaining optimal conditions with precision LED grow lighting (vs indoors with artificial lighting only) to reduce the environmental footprint of crop production

-no need to reconfigure, replace or physically change lighting; once installed, all adjustments can be completed through the network

-improve consistency and production per square foot of growing area using multiple SSR (Sollum Spectrum Rectifier) sensors, ie every zone becomes the “best” zone in a facility

-in depth data collection of lighting conditions

We at Grozine are excited to experience and share with other growers our findings as we test Sollum Tech’s dynamic LED grow light system in our research greenhouse and ultimately offer a review.  Please check back here  for future in depth articles based on our real world vertical, hydroponic and aeroponic growing experiences with a variety of crops in our greenhouse using dynamic LED crop lighting. We also post regular updates on our Instagram page.

Note: the greenhouse is located in the Canadian Pacific Northwest, where during winter months light can be scarce while temperatures remain mild; an excellent testing grounds for the technology when coupled with our smart controlled greenhouse environment and medium-less cultivation systems. Stay tuned!

Special Thanks to Matthew Bonavita and the entire team at Sollum-Tech for their highly professional and personable service in helping us develop a Dynamic LED Grow Lighting Plan for our greenhouse.

To learn more about Sollum’s dynamic LED grow light solution, contact Matthew Bonavita at +1 (919) 413-0365 or matt@sollum.tech

About Erik Biksa 244 Articles
Erik Biksa has been writing about and discussing hydroponics growing, related technologies and cropping methods since 1999 in a variety of professional publications and platforms globally Erik has travelled the world learning and teaching modern growing techniques and technologies and is appreciated by many growers for his informative yet hands on approaches. Presently, he is the Editor at Grozine Hydroponics Mag.