high pressure aeroponics
Hydroponic Gear Reviews

High Pressure Aeroponics

Growing Crops with Nutrient Mist High Pressure Aeroponics (HPA) is a highly efficient way to grow crops at accelerated rates using a fraction of the water and fertilizer required versus traditional growing methods. The basic […]

growing hydroponic potatoes
Hydroponic Crops

Growing Hydroponic Potatoes

Innovative hydroponics: The promise of hydroponic potato cultivation using wood fiber Growing Hydroponic Potatoes | Potato News Today | This article was written by Jorge Luis Alonso G., an information consultant specializingin the potato crop. Scientists at the Norwegian […]

Getting Started Hydroponics

DWC Set Ups, How To

DWC Growing Part II  (part one HERE) DWC set ups are a great way to grow crops using less water and with fewer hassles versus traditional soil and soilless practices. Growers also note that they […]

Hydroponic News

Fruit Harvesting Robots

Completion of a system of robots that use teamwork to pick fruit and transport them all on their own! Fruit Harvesting Robots | National Research Council of Science & Technology | KIMM develops‘a multiple-robot system […]

dwc growing
Getting Started Hydroponics

DWC Growing (Part I)

How To Grow Crop in Deep Water Culture DWC Growing | Erik Biksa | DWC (deep water culture) growing was one of the very first hydroponic growing methods used by plant researchers and arguably still […]

growing hydroponic flowers
Hydroponic Crops

Growing Hydroponic Flowers

Flower Power in Hydroponic Towers Growing Hydroponic Flowers | ZipGrow | Most types of flowers can be grown hydroponically. Essentially the elements that they would typically get from the earth and sun can be replaced […]

hydroponics electrochemical hypochlorination
Hydroponic Technology

Hydroponics Electrochemical Hypochlorination

Protecting hydroponics from electrochemical hypochlorination damage Hydroponics Electrochemical Hypochlorination | Jane Cerza, American Society for Horticultural Science | Closed loop hydroponics, where nutrient solution drainage is captured and reapplied to the crop, offers advantages over flow-through […]

hydroponic samphire
Hydroponic Crops

Hydroponic Samphire

Tasty delicacy can be grown year round thanks to Warrington scientist Hydroponic Samphire | Heidi Summerfield | Image: Dr Russell Sharp and the hydroponic samphire SAMPHIRE – a strong, salty vegetable that is growing in […]

hospitals hydroponic growing

Hospitals Hydroponic Growing

Aspirus works towards growing healthy, sustainable communities with hydroponic gardens Hospitals Hydroponic Growing | Katie Thoresen | Healthy eating is a major factor in building healthy bodies. It’s part of the reason Aspirus has been […]